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Though Raimon and Truc Malec

Pus Raimons e Truc Malecx

Published on: Saturday 14 February 2004

Trobar ric
I Pus Raimons e Truc Malecx

chapten n’Enan e sos decx,

e ieu serai vielhs e senecx

ans que m’acort in aital precx

don puesca venir tan grans pecx :

al cornar l’agra mestiers becx

ab que traisses del corn lo grecx ;

e pueis pogra leu venir secx

que’l fums es fortz qu’ieis d’inz des plecx.

II Ben l’agr’ops que fos becutz

e’l becx fos loncx e agutz,

que’l corns es fers, laitz e pelutz

e prions dinz en la palutz,

e anc nul jorn no estai essutz,

per que rellent en sus lo glutz

c’ades per si cor ne redutz :

e no taing que mais sia drutz

cel que sa boc’al corn condutz.

III Pro’i agra d’azaus assais,

de plus bels que valgron mais ;

e si en Bernatz s’en estrais,

per Crist, anc no’i fes que savais,

car l’en pres paors et esglais :

que si’l vengues d’amon lo rais,

si l’escaldera’l col e’l cais ;

e no’s cove que dona bais

aquel que cornes corn putnais.

IV Bernatz, ges eu no m’acort

al dig Raimon de Durfort

qe vos anc mais n’aguessetz tort,

que si cornavatz per deport

ben si trobavatz fort contrafort,

e la pudors agra’us tot mort,

que peitz ol no fa fems en ort :

e vos, qui que’us en desconort,

lauzatz en Dieu que’us n’a estort !

V Ben es estortz de perilh

que retrag for’a son filh

e a totz aicels de Cornilh ;

mielz li vengra fos en eisilh

que la cornes el enfonilh

entre l’esquin e’l pencenilh

per on se legon li rovilh ;

ja no saubra tant de gandilh

no’l compisses lo groing e’l cilh.

VI Bernatz de Cornes no s’estrilh

al corn cornar ses gran dozilh

ab que’l trauc tap el penchenilh :

pueis poira cornar ses perilh.

I Though Raimon and Truc Malec

defend Ena and her rights,

still, I’ll be old and decrepit

before I agree with such pleads,

from which such a fault may come :

to horn, he’d have a beak

with which to get out of the horn ;

and he could easily get blind,

since the smoke is thick that comes from the rims.

II He should well have a beak

and the beak should be long and sharp,

since the horn is dire, mean and hairy

and deep into the marsh,

and never it stays dry,

so that it reeks of rot

what from its core flows and hardens :

and he’s not fit to be a lover

the one that leads his mouth to the horn.

III There’d be many other evidences,

better, and more fitting ;

and if Bernat fled from it,

by Christ, he did but a wise thing,

because fear and loathing took him :

and if the jet had come from above,

it’d have scalded neck and jaw ;

and he’s not fit to gift with kisses

the one that horns a stinking horn.

IV Bernat, I don’t agree

with Raimon of Durfort,

that you had been wrong :

if you’d horned for a sport

dearly you’d have paid for it,

and the smell would have soon killed you,

since it’s worst than dung on a field :

and, whoever blames you,

praise God that spared you !

V Well he’s been took out of a danger

that’d have shamed his son

and all those of Cornilh ;

he had better been exiled

than to horn the funnel,

between the back and the groin

where the rusts melt ;

where, good as he might have been in withdrawing,

he’d have had his brow and snout flooded.

VI Bernat of Cornes don’t strive

to horn the horn without a big plug

with which to stopper the hole in the groin :

then, he’ll be able to horn without danger.

Partenaires référencement
Psychanalyste Paris | Psychanalyste Paris 10 | Psychanalyste Argenteuil 95
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Avocats en propriété intellectuelle | Avocats paris - Droits d'auteur, droit des marques, droit à l'image et vie privée
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